JRC Visitors

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Malaysian Chinese Dialect (Batu Pahat) <> 大马华人方言腔调(峇株巴辖篇)

Below are some common BPrians Hokkien phases:

1. cior1
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: 哇!这个路牌很 cior1 一下叻!
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: This phase in Mandarin is 漂亮、美观; in English is beautiful.

2. geng3/talk4 kong3
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Defination from people in other regions:No defination in other places relating the phase,but if the phase which has the near meaning to this phase in Cantonese is 'yieng3' .
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: 他的数学很 geng3 叻!
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: Direct translate from Hokkien. This phase in Mandarin is 厉害、了不起; in English is 'professional', short form 'pro'.

3. sien3
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: 今天要去上五个补习班,真的很 sien3!
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: Direct translate from Hokkien. This phase in Mandarin is 累、提不起劲、无聊; in English is boring,tired.

4. jior1
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Defination from people in other regions:No defination in other places relating the phase.
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: 你们要去玩都没有 jior2 我,真不够义气!
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: Direct translate from Hokkien. This phase in Mandarin is 号召、约; in English is invite.

5. 好势 (ho2 xier3)
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: 老王的煮炒店开得很好势,生意一天比一天好!
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: Direct translate from Hokkien. This phase in Mandarin is 好; in English is good,steady.

6. 山姑 (shua2 gu1)
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: 他很山姑,就连高楼大厦都没见过。
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: Direct translate from Hokkien. This phase in Mandarin is 没有见识; in Malay is 'Seperti Rusa Masuk Bandar'.

7. siew4
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: 这个女孩真 siew4 啊!
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: Direct translate from Hokkien. This phase in Mandarin is 美; in English is beautiful,petty.

8. bo3 bian3
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Defination from people in other regions:No defination in other places relating the phase.
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: 现在我山穷水尽了,想向别人借钱,他们又不肯借我,我真的是 bo3 bian3 了!
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: Direct translate from Hokkien. This phase in Mandarin is 没办法; in English is no choice.

9. heng1
-Mostly being used by BPrians
Sentence Making from people in Batu Pahat: Heng1啊,今天我们没有去印尼的万豪酒店落脚,因为刚刚才发生了自杀式攻击爆炸案!
Defination from people in Batu Pahat: Direct translate from Hokkien. This phase in Mandarin is 幸运; in English is lucky.

## 什么事 (in Hokkien)
-Pronunciation in Southern part of Peninsular Malaysia: "Si Mi Dai Ji"

## 什么大事 (in Hokkien)
-Pronunciation in Southern part of Peninsular Malaysia: "Si Mi Tu-a Diao Dai Ji"

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