Network operator appear in my cellphone > Vodafone NL
Car covered with snow
Street covered with snow
Frozen river
Town square at Amsterdam
Chinese restaurant in China Street at Amsterdam
Porno Show Theatre
Vandalism in Amsterdam
Me,at the China street,Amsterdam
Me and my uncle
Swans are swimming at the river!!!
Train station at Amsterdam
A far view ancient clock tower
>>>MEXICO,Mexico City
Network operator appear in my cellphone > Telcel GSM
### learn some Spanish before we get into know more about Mexico from the photos below...
HOLA - hello
GRACIAS - thank you
SI - yes
NO - no
FUMAR - smoking
UNO - have
A - to
POLICIA - police
EMERGENCIA - emergency
EN - for
DE - of
PERSONAS - person
DIAS - days
SALIDA - exit
AGUA - water
RUTA DE EVACUACION - evacuation route
GRACIAS - thank you
SI - yes
NO - no
FUMAR - smoking
UNO - have
A - to
POLICIA - police
EMERGENCIA - emergency
EN - for
DE - of
PERSONAS - person
DIAS - days
SALIDA - exit
AGUA - water
RUTA DE EVACUACION - evacuation route
View from high near town square
Streets in Mexico City
Town square at night
Mexico City street view at night
Guess what is this?
This is the mineral water with GAS!!!
Focus on the price labeled on the mineral bottle covered!!!
RM1 = $3.78 Mexican Peso
Then how much for the 2 litter mineral water at the left and 500ml oxygen contained mineral water at the right?
2 litter mineral water at the left: $50 Peso = RM13.22
500ml oxygen contained mineral water at the right: $55 Peso = RM14.55
>>>MEXICO,Puerto Villatta/Puerto Mita
Our room at Four Season Resort,Puerto Mita
Puerto Mita Pacific Ocean view
View from our room
Beach at Puerto Mita
See the big wave of Pacific Ocean!!!
On the way to adventure site from a small fishing village in Puerto Villatta...
On the way to adventure site...
wow! what a great vacation! Amsterdam is one of my wish-list! I wonder when i ll get the chance to go there...