JRC Visitors

Monday, September 28, 2009

2nd PROGRESSIVE TEAM SPECIAL MEETING -"PT Raya Special Meeting" Decisions and Results

This Saturday and Sunday (26 and 27 September 2009),Progressive Team meeting successfully being organised at 魔力点子茶馆(26 Sept 2009,9.30pm-11.30pm) and 有空茶坊(27 Sept 2009,4pm-7pm).

After meeting on 26 Sept...

Even on Saturday,we all wearing the Progressive Team t shirt and organised the meeting!

PT Members who attended:

--> Brother Ho (基哥) :
Senior Chairman and Leader of Sports and Educational Department (太岁兼体育与教育组主任)

--> Brother Jason,me (盛哥) : Adviser and Leader Welfare and Organiser Department (顾问兼关怀与策划组主任)

--> Brother Lam (业哥) : Director and Leader of Transport and Policy Adjustment Department (业董兼交通与策划监督组任)

--> Brother Goh (洲哥) : Leader of Communication and Unite Department(交流与召集组任)

Draft of our meeting...

Our meeting results are:

1. Logo of Progressive Team have been agreed by members who had attended the meeting.

Logo of Progressive Team

2. The chinese name of Progressive Team,agreed by members who had attended the meeting to change the name from 上进党 to 上进之友.

3. Most of the Progressive Team have been appoint each post for each members.

Ho Liang Chee

Senior Chairman and Leader of Sports and Educational Department (太岁兼体育与教育组主任)
Jason Chung Chin Chern
(盛哥) Adviser and Leader of Welfare and Organiser Department (顾问兼关怀与策划组主任)
Lam Howe Yip
(业哥) Director and Leader of Transport & Policy Adjustment Dept. (业董兼交通与策划监督组主任)
Zaltech Dave
(洲哥) Leader of Communication and Unite Department (交流与召集组主任)
De Zhi
(志哥) Leader of Exploration and Quality Research Department (考察与素质研究组主任)
Badegg Terirela
(烈哥) Leader of Help-care and Counseling Department (帮助,关怀与辅导组主任)

4. Progressive Team communicate center:

5. Progressive Team reunion trip 2010,agreed by members who had attended the meeting:
(a) Destination: Pulau Pinang
(b) Cost: RM400-RM499
(c) Duration: 4 days 3 night
(d) Period: Early of January 2010

** Really sorry that all destination suggest during Progressive Team 1st Special Meeting is being cancel because all suggested places are located at East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia will affected by monsoon season (November until March),no ferry service and activities available there during our suggested time especially in islands such as Pulau Perhentian and Pulau Tioman...

We went and enjoy 章鱼烧 after our meeting... (on 27 Sept)

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